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Acrobalance Team Stacks

What may look like a reckless disregard of gravity is actually a plethora of performance and power in one of the world's oldest circus skills: Acro Team Stacking. Here, heights and hecklers hold no hands as multiple acrobats reach for the sky. Feet, shoulders, knees, thighs, arms and backs are used as human building blocks to achieve daring balances in a collaboration between the physical body and the collective mind.



Acrobalance Adagio Duet

Showcasing visually spectacular displays of strength, agility, impeccable timing, and trust this husband and wife acrobat duo create breathtaking performance with complex balances and heart-stopping movements. Dynamic sequences involving tosses, pops, hand to hand and foot to hand balances, counter balances and levers combined with a phenomenal stage presence means comedy or beautiful storyline, this act has audiences on the edge of their seats and making some noise.


Fire may be incorporated upon request for custom events

Soda City Cirque Acro Duo
Soda City Cirque Finding Elysian Acro Build


Slackwire is a type of wire walking act that is not commonly seen in the United States. Unlike tightwire, there is no tension on the wire other than the performer, so the wire hangs loose. The wire is also rigged to swing freely from side to side. In addition to walking and holding static balances, additional skills performed on the wire include juggling and hula hooping. Our artist performs this act on the more traditional rope, as well as chain and stretchy fabric.

Stilts & Riser Stilts


Nothing catches more eyes than the tallest person in the room, or crowd. Our stilters have- much to their mothers' dismay- decided to "rise above it all" and share this joy and whimsical folly with the world. They love to see all the grins they evoke (even from the most reluctant teenagers!) We have a wide variety of costuming, and are happy to customize to suit your needs. Stilters at maximum height are 7 feet to 9.5 feet tall.

Soda City Cirque Slackwire
Soda City Cirque Stilts

Gymnastic Tumbling

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